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This is the 104 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist
Year: 1909 Model: 18 Body: 5 Pas. Phaeton
Previous Owners:
1984-2022 Bob Nydam, Crete, IL
1951-1984 Leonard Davis, Pontiac, MI
1950-1951 Dick Teague, Franklin, MI
19??-1950 David Tunick, Greenwich, CT
19??-19?? William D. Heller, Weehawken, NJ (1916)
1909-19?? Original owner unknown
Owner Notes:
Runabout chassis and engine. Custom touring body by Leonard Davis.
Designed by Dick Teague when he was chief designer at Packard.
Steering ratio changed from 4 to 2 lead. Has 17" steering wheel.
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