John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 540 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1925 Packard Model 236 Runabout
Year: 1925    Model: 236    Body: Runabout
Car Details
Owner Info: Anton Chmela
Garrison, NY 10524

Engine: 211068
Dash Plate: 210950
Last Modified: 07/28/18

Previous Owners:
20??-2017 William F. Benoit, Sault Sainte Marie, MI
19??-20?? Wendell Ohlendorf, Beecher, IL
1954-19?? ?
1953-1954 Charles & Bertha Brown, Wake Forest, IL 
1925-1953 William & Madeleine Pullman, Wake Forest, IL
Owner Notes:
Sold new by Packard Chicago, delivered 5/8/25
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