John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 392 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1917 Packard Model 2-35 5 Pass Phaeton
Year: 1917    Model: 2-35    Body: 5 Pass Phaeton
Car Details
Owner Info: Hans Peter Nielsen

Engine: 133957
Last Modified: 09/06/17

Previous Owners:
19??-199? Viklit Jorgensen, Denmark
19??-19?? Robert E. Whitaker, Northfield, MA
19??-19?? Jon Lee, Brunswick, ME
19??-1988 Richard E. Byrd, Jr., Boston, MA
192?-19?? Myron J. Blair, North Troy, VT
1917-192? ***Original Owner Thomas J. Norris, Derby Line, VT***

Owner Notes:
1919 VT registry lists Norris with car, license plate 13307. Blair is listed with car in 1921 and 1924 VT registries. Car was at Boothbay Maine museum for many years.
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