John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 346 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1917 Packard Model 2-35 Motor home
Year: 1917    Model: 2-35    Body: Motor home
Car Details
Owner Info: AACA Museum
Hershey, PA 17033
Work Phone: (restricted)*
Fax Phone: (restricted)*
Email: (restricted)*

Engine: 125622
Steering: 82503
Car Color: Red/Black/Black
Last Modified: 12/02/15

Previous Owners:
1981-2015 Dick Seybolt, Monkey Island, OK
1961-1981 Gene Balcom, Glendale, CA
19??-1961 Karl Blad, ?, ? 
19??-19?? Gent Campbell, ?, ?
1917-19?? Pickwick Stages, Los Angles,CA
Owner Notes:
Chassis lengthened for motor home. Sold by Earl C. Anthony, LA, CA
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