John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 341 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1916 Packard Model 1-25 7 Pas Touring
Year: 1916    Model: 1-25    Body: 7 Pas Touring
Car Details
Owner Info: Heiner Roessler
Osnabrueck, Germany,
Home Phone: (restricted)*
Work Phone: (restricted)*
Fax Phone: (restricted)*

Engine: 87757
Steering: 87760
Bridge Plate: 162173
Body: 80954
Car Color: Maroon/Blk/Cream
Last Modified: 07/09/07

Previous Owners:
1996-1996 Bernd Wallmeier, Dortmund, Germany
1982-1996 Ed Marks, Niles, MI
1981-1982 James Brodes, Colt Neck, NJ
1970-1981 Bradley Skinner, Bartlesville, OK
1968-1970 Sam Bergman of Old Time Cars, LA, CA 
19??-1968 Bob Toney, Hollister, CA
1916-19?? Original owner unknown
Owner Notes:
Assembled from various parts by Bob Toney. Sold at auction 9/2/96 $41,000.00
* For access to "restricted" data please see the Login Page.