John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 325 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1916 Packard Model 1-25 7 Pas Touring
Year: 1916    Model: 1-25    Body: 7 Pas Touring
Car Details
Owner Info: Don Ohnstad
Lincoln, NE

Engine: 84542
Dash Plate: 84542
Body: 81057
Car Color: Gray/Back/Gray
Last Modified: 04/30/23

Previous Owners:
2007-2023 Mark Smith, Skippack, PA
2001-2007 Mike Giddens, San Rafel, CA
1966-2001 Thomas B. Caldwell(Judge), San Mateo, CA
19??-1966 Dr.William O. Burns,(Dentist) LaFayette, IN
19??-19?? Thurm Kuiper, Gilman, Il (1957)
1916-19?? Original owner C.G. Rhoads, Mechanicsville, Iowa

          ****> ASSUMED THAT ALL OWNERS ARE KNOWN  <****
Owner Notes:
1957 roster. info BS 25" wheels. Burns advertised the car for sale in 1966 for $5,500.00. Kuiper listed as owner in 1954 and 1961 joint rosters.
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