John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 286 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1914 Packard Model 2-38 Salon Touring
Year: 1914    Model: 2-38    Body: Salon Touring
Car Details
Owner Info: John & Joan Bertolotti
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Home Phone: (restricted)*
Work Phone: (restricted)*

Engine: 53294
Dash Plate: 53294
Coil Box: Bosch
Body: 54138
Selden Plate: Not req.
Car Color: Blue/Blk/Cream
Last Modified: 07/24/24

Previous Owners:
1993-2001 James Renzulli, San Deigo, CA
1958-1993 Roy Davis, San Diego, CA
1957-1958 Barney Landsdown, Los Angeles, CA
1953-1957 Jack Wadsworth, Arcadia, CA
1950-1953 Dr. William Northrup, Bonita, CA
1950-1950 Clay Clayberg, Oxford, CA
1949-1950 Joe Sala, Oakland, CA
1914-19?? Original owner Cannie D. Scott, Alameda, CA

Owner Notes:
Salon Touring is open touring car with a place to walk between front seats. This car is only known 1914 example of this body style existing. Cannie's husband was George W. Scott. 1914 CA plate no. 63045. Car was till registered in her name in 1922 (she died in 1916).
* For access to "restricted" data please see the Login Page.