John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 259 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1914 Packard Model 1-38 Runabout
Year: 1914    Model: 1-38    Body: Runabout
Car Details
Owner Info: Mike Fairbairn
Chatham, ON Canada, N7M1G6

Engine: 39011
Dash Plate: 39011
Steering: 39002
Body: 51163
Selden Plate: Not req.
Car Color: Blue/Blk/Cream
Last Modified: 10/29/18

Previous Owners:
2011-2012  Charlie LeMaitre, Hardwick, MA
1981-2011 Glen Gould, Shirley, MA
1953-1981 Burton Smith, Rutland, VT
19??-11/15/53 Wilfred Barrett, Hopkinton, MA
1914-19?? Original owner A. Crosby Kennett,Conway, NH

         ***> ASSUMED ALL OWNERS ARE KNOWN  <***
Owner Notes:
Burton Smith Purchased the car for $3,500.
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