John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 215 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1912 Packard Model 1-48 Runabout
Year: 1912    Model: 1-48    Body: Runabout
Car Details
Owner Info: DeNean Stafford III
Tifton, GA

Engine: 23847
Dash Plate: 23847
Bridge Plate: 23982
Body: 22419
Selden Plate: Not req.
Car Color: Blue/Black/Nat.
Last Modified: 05/31/22

Previous Owners:
1971-2022 Alfred & Frances Ferrara, Gates Mills, OH
1960-1971 Joe McNutt, Akron, OH
1954-1960 Robert Chambers, Monrowville, PA
1951-1954 Joe McNutt, Akron, OH
1950-1951 Roy Free, Springfield, OH
1948-1950 Harold Bertrand, Auburn, NY
19??-19?? Henry Roth, Brooklyn, NY (1916)
1912-1948 Original owner unknown(An Estate on Hudson river. 
Owner Notes:
I have met the owner at Hershey but have yet to visit the car. Picture of this car on page 24 bulb horn 1989 vol.1.
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