John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 212 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1912 Packard Model 1-48 Cust.Runabout
Year: 1912    Model: 1-48    Body: Cust.Runabout
Car Details
Owner Info: Sam Mann
Englewood, NJ 07631-3148
Home Phone: (restricted)*
Email: (restricted)*

Engine: 23684
Dash Plate: 23684
Frame: 23698
Clutch: 23684
Steering: 23715
Coil Box: Bosch
Body: 1449
Selden Plate: Not req.
Car Color: Cream/Crm/Cream
Last Modified: 05/02/17

Previous Owners:
1965-2011 Jack Tallman, Decatur, IL
1949-1965 Walt Levino, Peekskill,NY
1912-1949 Original owner Oakleigh Thorne, Millbrook, NY

Owner Notes:
Small seat on left rear fender added by Leonard Davis. 121.5 " wheelbase. Bosch coil #74955. 1915 NY plate 76605
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