John Grundy's Packards Online
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This is the 158 Oldest Complete Packard Known To Exist

1911 Packard Model 30 Touring
Year: 1911    Model: 30    Body: Touring
Car Details
Owner Info: Arturo Keller
Petaluma, CA

Engine: 15239
Dash Plate: 15239
Frame: 15190
Clutch: 12515
Steering: 15206
Bridge Plate: 15252
Coil Box: 15150
Body: 16252
Selden Plate: 130707
Car Color: Blue/Black/Gray
Last Modified: 05/11/23

Previous Owners:
2022-2023 John Bentley, Harrogate, England
1991-2022 Howard & Gail Schaevitz, Edgewater Park, NJ
1978-1991 Ronald Hall, Sharon Springs, NY 
1948-1978 Walter Myers, Bridgewater, NY
1948-1948 Pry Brothers,(Used car Dealer), NY
1911-1948 Original owner Dr. Haymes, Oriskany,NY
Owner Notes:
18" Steering wheel. Car is original except blue body paint and new top material. Myers owned the Bridgewater Auto Museum, Bridgewater, NY. Radiator #12446 inside right rear ear. Owner and I conclude, clutch is factory misstamped 12515 S/B 15215.
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